Surfeit of Blitz G/3+0 Results, Final Marathon Standings

One way to summarize Wednesday’s final installment of our Surfeit of Blitz Marathon, the 5-round G/3+0 tournament, is simply: Bada venit, Bada vidit, Bada vicit! Badamkhand Norovsambuu scored 4.5 out of 5 points for clear first place, ceding a single draw to her friend Saikhanchimeg Tsogtsaikhan, another very strong expert-level player and a first-time visitor to the club (and by “strong” we’re talking clear first with a perfect 5-0 score in the 2018 US Women’s Open, over a number of titled players—Badamkhand won the same event this year!). Alaric, Pranav, Kathan and Shahin shared 2nd place with 4 points, while Shawnak and Josh shared Under-17 1st place with 3 points.

Alaric outlasted all others in our Surfeit of Blitz Marathon, taking first place with 15 out of 18 points over four tournaments. Pranav had the only perfect score after four rounds in the G/3+0 last night and could have joined Alaric atop the marathon with a last-round win, but Badamkhand wasn’t having it, so he and Shahin shared 2nd place with 14 points, while Kathan took sole 4th with 13. The Under-17 marathon saw a tie for 1st place, with Ethan and Josh both scoring 8 points after playing in just three of the four events. The final results for the G/3+0 event and the overall marathon are in the attached images, while the marathon prizes are given below—I’ll follow up individually to ask how people wish to be paid. Congratulations to all our winners and a hearty thank you to everyone who played in this fun if eccentric event!

Blitz chess is clearly very popular with the club, given we had 63 people participate in the marathon, so we’ll do something similar again before the end of the year. I may miss the coming two Wednesdays but the club will still meet for casual and blitz chess August 3rd and 10th, and we’ll consider holding another USCF-rated event in September. As always, if you have suggestions for club activities or tournaments please let me know.

— Mark Drury

Surfeit of Blitz Marathon Prizes

1. Alaric Stein, $45
2-3. Pranav Jindal, $32.50
2-3. Shahin Aghevli, $32.50
4. Kathan Shukla, $25
5-6. Richard Shu, $17.50
5-6. Yash Shah, $17.50
7. Sean Murray, $10
8. Lasha Lakirbaia, $5
9. Kornel Csernai, $5

Under 17:
1-2. Ethan Mei, $22.50
1-2. Joshua Garrow, $22.50
3. Cody Kletter, $15
4. Zidaan Kapoor, $10

Surfeit of Blitz G/3+2 Results

Our Surfeit of Blitz G/3+2 event was contested last night with quite a few new people joining the fray, including FM-elect Shawnak Shivakumar, who went 5-0 to take sole first place and the $25 prize. Five people were one point back, including newcomer Badamkhand Norovsambuu, a strong expert-level player, and Ethan Mei, who took home the U17 $15 first prize and a commanding lead in the U17 marathon standings. Cameron Rampell and Sahil Shivakumar shared second U17 honors with excellent 3-2 scores (Shawnak is U17, as well, but no longer needs trifle with age group prizes).

The attached images give the full results for last night’s event as well as the current marathon standings. I pulled these together rather quickly late last night so please let me know if you see any errors. Given second-place ties in the Open and U17 groups, $25 and $10 will be added to the respective marathon prizes as follows:

Open: $45, $35, $30, $25, $15, $10, $5
Under-17: $20, $10, $10, $5

Next week is the final G/3+0 event of our Surfeit of Blitz Marathon and, given Alaric’s stated affinity for the time control, odds are he’ll share in the top prize (if not win it outright). But if we’re graced with a few more strong wildcards like Shawnak and Badamkhand the final result may be far less clear. Should be entertaining, regardless, and please register online asap if you plan to play next week.

Surfeit of Blitz G/5+3 Results

Well, there is clearly demand for blitz at the club, at least for the “slower” G/5+3 time control used last night. Forty-one people turned out for the first installment of our Surfeit of Blitz Marathon, which is perhaps twenty-one more than we were expecting, and we filled both playing rooms plus had one board in our skittles room. It was great to have so many players join us and the fact that ~90% registered online before the event made things that much easier and smoother–thank you all for taking the few seconds to do that!

Per the wall chart below, Richard, Pranav and Sean tied for first place with perfect scores, while eight others were close behind with 3 points out of 4. Joshua Garrow took the Under-17 first prize ($15) with 3 points and Raajas Dixit took second ($10) with 2.5. Given there were no ties for prizes in the U17 division last night no prize money will roll over to the U17 marathon fund this week (the blue cells in the wall chart show juniors vying for marathon prizes).

The three-way tie for first in our Open division, however, means all $50 of last night’s prizes ($25, $15, $10) will be rolled into the marathon prize fund, as promised/hoped for. At present we have ten people vying for marathon prizes (gold cells in the wall chart), so at $5/person the initial marathon prizes would have been $25, $15 and $10, but with last night’s $50 infusion we now have $35, $25, $20, $15, $5 (somewhat arbitrary, I realize). I expect the same infusion to happen next week, given it’s another 4-round event.

Note that if you thought you entered the marathon and don’t see your name highlighted in gold or blue, below, please let me know. We will also give people one more opportunity to enter the marathon before the start of next week’s first round. Again, thank you all for playing last night and I hope you enjoyed the evening as much as I did!

— Mark Drury

MPCC Surfeit of Blitz Marathon: 3+0

The Menlo Park Chess Club seeks to answer a simple question: How much blitz chess is too much? Over four consecutive Wednesday evenings in July we will hold four separate unrated blitz tournaments of ever-shortening time controls (5+3, 5+0, 3+2, 3+0), each with free entry and modest cash prizes. Where this event differs from most, however, is that players may optionally contribute $5 to an overall prize fund, to be awarded based on one’s performance through all four individual blitz tournaments (the marathon).

Every dollar contributed to the overall prize fund will be returned in marathon prizes. Additionally, any ties for cash prizes in the individual tournaments will see that money placed in the overall/marathon prize fund, to bolster existing and add new place prizes. For example, if two people score a perfect 4-0 to tie for first in the 3+0 event and one person takes sole third with 3.5-0.5, $40 will be added to the overall prize fund (the 1st-2nd tie, $25 + $15) while the person in 3rd place would take home $10 (see Prizes, below). If three or more people tie for first place then the entire $50 (1st-3rd prizes) will be added to the overall/marathon prize fund. The same applies to the under-17 prizes.

Note that each individual tournament is a standalone event and you may play in 1, 2, 3 or 4 of these tourneys as you please, with no obligation to chip in $5 unless you wish to take part in the marathon. Details follow:

  • Format: Four separate Swiss-system tournaments in one section over four consecutive Wednesday evenings
  • Dates: July 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th — games begin at 7:00pm
  • Control: July 6th, 5+3; July 13th, 5+0; July 20th, 3+2; July 27th, 3+0
  • Rounds (#): July 6th, 4; July 13th, 4; July 20th, 5; July 27th, 5
  • Entry Fee: $0 (MPCC will sponsor the prizes)
  • Prizes: Each event will offer 1st, $25; 2nd, $15; 3rd, $10; Under-17 1st, $15, 2nd, $10
  • Ties: If there is a tie for any cash prize the associated funds will be rolled into the overall purse mentioned above (yes, this is unusual but we think it may prove interesting and, given the entry fee is $0, there should be little complaint)
  • Byes: Zero-point byes available any round
  • Register: Click the Register button, above
  • Boards, sets and clocks will be provided by the Menlo Park Chess Club (bring a clock if you own one)
  • U.S. Chess Rules for Blitz Chess will be followed for all play in this event
  • For more information please send email to or tweet @MenloParkChess
  • Join our Facebook group to stay abreast of future club tournaments and events

MPCC Surfeit of Blitz Marathon: 5+0

The Menlo Park Chess Club seeks to answer a simple question: How much blitz chess is too much? Over four consecutive Wednesday evenings in July we will hold four separate unrated blitz tournaments of ever-shortening time controls (5+3, 5+0, 3+2, 3+0), each with free entry and modest cash prizes. Where this event differs from most, however, is that players may optionally contribute $5 to an overall prize fund, to be awarded based on one’s performance through all four individual blitz tournaments (the marathon).

Every dollar contributed to the overall prize fund will be returned in marathon prizes. Additionally, any ties for cash prizes in the individual tournaments will see that money placed in the overall/marathon prize fund, to bolster existing and add new place prizes. For example, if two people score a perfect 4-0 to tie for first in the 5+0 event and one person takes sole third with 3.5-0.5, $40 will be added to the overall prize fund (the 1st-2nd tie, $25 + $15) while the person in 3rd place would take home $10 (see Prizes, below). If three or more people tie for first place then the entire $50 (1st-3rd prizes) will be added to the overall/marathon prize fund. The same applies to the under-17 prizes.

Note that each individual tournament is a standalone event and you may play in 1, 2, 3 or 4 of these tourneys as you please, with no obligation to chip in $5 unless you wish to take part in the marathon. Details follow:

  • Format: Four separate Swiss-system tournaments in one section over four consecutive Wednesday evenings
  • Dates: July 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th — games begin at 7:00pm
  • Control: July 6th, 5+3; July 13th, 5+0; July 20th, 3+2; July 27th, 3+0
  • Rounds (#): July 6th, 4; July 13th, 4; July 20th, 5; July 27th, 5
  • Entry Fee: $0 (MPCC will sponsor the prizes)
  • Prizes: Each event will offer 1st, $25; 2nd, $15; 3rd, $10; Under-17 1st, $15, 2nd, $10
  • Ties: If there is a tie for any cash prize the associated funds will be rolled into the overall purse mentioned above (yes, this is unusual but we think it may prove interesting and, given the entry fee is $0, there should be little complaint)
  • Byes: Zero-point byes available any round
  • Register: Click the Register button, above
  • Boards, sets and clocks will be provided by the Menlo Park Chess Club (bring a clock if you own one)
  • U.S. Chess Rules for Blitz Chess will be followed for all play in this event
  • For more information please send email to or tweet @MenloParkChess
  • Join our Facebook group to stay abreast of future club tournaments and events

MPCC Burgess Park Blitz #2

The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold a free, unrated blitz chess tournament Wednesday, May 25th, beginning at 7pm. There is no entry fee and no US Chess membership is required to play in this one-section Swiss system event using the G/5+2 time control. Chess sets, boards and clocks will be provided but if you have a digital timer please feel free to bring it with you. Prizes for this event will be Hypermodern Chess books donated by the Jim Eade of the Eade Foundation and all are welcome to play!