Our three-round April Petite Swiss wrapped up last night with some very exciting games deciding first through third places in each section, as well as some interesting games which didn’t factor into the prizes, including my effort against Frisco Del Rosario wherein my already-shaky position crumbled dramatically in serious time trouble (I haven’t yet had time to analyze the game, Frisco, but am wondering if f6 instead of the more cavalier f5 might have prolonged things).
The full results are included in the attached image and of special note is the performance of Josen Kalra, who gained 80 and 121 points in his Regular and Quick ratings, respectively, with his tie for first in section one. The tournament has already been rated by US Chess—if you spot any errors please let me know and I will correct them immediately.
The winners and their earnings are given below—thank you to everyone who played in this event and we’ll hold another rated tournament beginning in late May or early June. Regards,
Mark Drury
Secton One:
1-3: Alexander Su, $33.33
1-3: Wentao Wu, $33.33
1-3: Josen Kalra, $33.33
Section Two:
1: Hayden Brongersma, $40
2: Banks Bennion, $25
3-4: Samuel Agdamag, $7.50
3-4: Amogh Rao, $7.50
Section Three:
1: Thomas Gerber, $50
2: Charles Mayville, $30
3-5: Jeffrey Ungar, $7
3-5: Andrew Yu, $7
3-5: Shlok Chowdhury, $7