Impromptu Blitz #30 Results

I am belatedly posting the results from our 7-round G/3+2 blitz tournament of last week, which saw several of the first-time visitors from the previous week return for another chance at glory and/or revenge. Alex Chin ended up alone in first place with a perfect 7/7, with Hayden Brongersma in sole second a point behind and Pranav Jindal and Josen Kalra sharing T-3 with 5 points. Congratulations to our winners and thank you to everyone who joined us last week!

Apparently, and somewhat humorously, a couple people tried to let me know last Thursday that a first-time visitor was engaging in a running monologue during his games and I thought they were implicating another new person with whom I was playing a casual game. In any case, apologies I didn’t get the message and didn’t hear the person in question but I’ll be certain to keep an eye and an ear out for this behavior Thursday, when we’ll play another free, unrated Swiss of some kind.

Lastly, I will share the details for our next rated event tomorrow or Thursday at the latest, but expect it to be a quick-rated tournament beginning on February 13th. More to come soon!

Impromptu Blitz #29 Results

We had 32 people participate in our free lecture and unrated blitz tournament last week, per the attached results image, including 10 or 12 first-time visitors to the club, which must be a record (there were clearly some play-over-the-board-chess New Year’s resolutions to thank for the big turnout). Congratulations to Triet, Hayden and Raaja on their first-place tie at 5 out of 6 and to Breakwell for his solo fourth performance at 4.5, another excellent showing ahead of a raft of strong players at 4 points! We’ll do the same thing this Thursday (lecture and blitz tournament) and I’ll send more information soon about our upcoming rated event in February.