Casual, Blitz, Lecture, Ladder Chess Evening

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games as well as

February Double-Round Quick-Rated Quads, Round Two

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold US Chess quick-rated, double-round quads and/or 6- or 8-person 3-round Swiss sections over three consecutive weeks beginning Thursday, February 13th, using the G/20;d5 time

February Double-Round Quick-Rated Quads, Round Three

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold US Chess quick-rated, double-round quads and/or 6- or 8-person 3-round Swiss sections over three consecutive weeks beginning Thursday, February 13th, using the G/20;d5 time