There was more exciting chess in round 2 of our club championship this past Thursday, with perhaps two games ending in what may be considered upsets along with quite a few time scrambles up and down the wall chart. Below are the current standings after two rounds as well as the tentative round 3 pairings—these could change if there are late bye requests or withdrawals. Many of you have asked me about getting a copy of Frisco’s round 1 bulletin, which includes analysis of three games from the first round, and I think he plans to make that available digitally at some point (but won’t hold him to it).
As a reminder, we’ll play round 3 of the tournament next week then will take a week off November 28th for Thanksgiving. We’ll resume the championship after the holiday with round 4 on December 5th. Regards,
The image below includes the round one results for our club championship as well as the round 2 pairings. There were some amazing games in round one and it seemed the top three boards all could have ended in upsets at various points during the evening, though the higher-rated players all managed to prevail (in the final seconds on boards one and three). There were equally close games further down the wall chart but when all the clocks were finally stopped we had just one “upset,” with young Max Cheung overcoming another strong junior player, Hugo Pu, on board 15.
I liked using the two rooms as we did last week, given there was more space for everyone, so I may try to continue that for the rest of the championship if the rec. center staff allow it. Else, we’ll probably be in the Oak Room again this week, as usual. Please plan to arrive before 7pm so we can check everyone in and start the round on time, something we almost managed last week. Better yet, get there by 6:30 to enjoy Frisco’s excellent lecture and you’ll likely learn something new about this amazing game we all share. See you Thursday!
Twenty-eight people joined us for our Blitz Championship #2 last night, another seven-rounder with a G/3+2 time control in place of last week’s G/5+0. Kunal Modi’s excellent 6.0 out of 7 was good for clear first and the top group’s $80 prize, while Zelin Fang and Hayden Brongersma shared first place in group two and split $60. There was a three-way tie in group three between Kaio Deeter, Breakwell Loyalka and Austin Chen, all of whom split another $60 while young Siddharth Kalra took sole first in group four, claiming all $40 of that group’s prize. This event has already been rated and the report may be viewed here:
Last night also wrapped up our combined blitz championship and after fourteen long rounds over two weeks Andy Applebaum edged out Kunal Modi by half a point to take the overall Menlo Park Chess Club Championship and the extra $100 prize. Well played, Andy and Kunal, and thank you to everyone who joined us for these two blitz tournaments.
Below are the results of our Blitz Championship #1: G/5+0 from Thursday, which saw a full complement of 32 pre-registered players, all of whom showed up pretty much on time such that we were able to start the tournament round 7:05pm. Congratulations to Badamkhand Norovsambuu for capturing sole first place in the event and the $100 prize, ahead of some very strong blitz competition! Zelin Fang, Yoyo He and Yash Shaw tied for the 1400-1800 prize ($27 each) while young Austin Chen was the lone U1400 participant at 4 points or better, which earned him $60. Thank you to everyone who participated in this event, see the attached wall charts for full results and the US Chess rating report is available here:
Next week’s rated Blitz Championship #2: G/3+2 is filling fast so please register asap if you hope to play in this event. As a reminder, the person with the highest combined score from both blitz tournaments will be crowned the club’s blitz champion and will receive an extra $100 prize (in addition to any prize won at this week’s event). We will likely have three or four prize groups again this week, just as in last week’s tournament, so just about everyone has a chance to win something: Regards,
Following Frisco’s excellent lecture Thursday, thirty-one players participated in our Impromptu Blitz #28, another 7-round affair in one section but with a G/5+0 time control this time around. There were upsets, there were illegal moves (yours truly pushed a pawn 3 squares in one move to squander a winning attack), there were embarrassing mates (yours truly was mated by a pawn in an otherwise won endgame) and there were time forfeitures galore, just what one might expect when there’s no increment or delay. Congratulations to Andy Applebaum and Pranav Jindal for outlasting many other strong players and tying for first with 5.5. points, and thank you to everyone who participated in this event (full results are attached).
Thursday was also our good friend Taewoo Kim’s last evening at the club, given he and his family (Minsoo, Jung and Taein) return to Korea this week–we wish them all the best and look forward to following Taewoo’s chess journey online.
This week we’ll hold what is tentatively planned to be a rated G/5+0 blitz tournament of seven rounds but if we don’t get at least 20-24 entries by Tuesday we may instead make it an unrated event, though still with a $5 entry fee and cash prizes. If you have a preference for rated versus unrated please let me know and please register asap if you plan to play in this event: Regards,
Adding the wall charts for our Impromptu Blitz Tourney numbers 26 and 27, which took place September 26th and October 3rd and were well attended, with perhaps seven first-time visitors to the club last night alone.
Andy Applebaum, Mikhail Molodyk and Yoyo He took 1st-3rd places, respectively, in the G/4;d2 #26 last week while Alex Chin and Cesar Tamondong tied for first in the G/3+2 #27 last night, with Pranav Jindal and Hayden Brongersma tying for third in that event (one which saw a surprising number of upsets). The full results for both tournaments may be seen in the attached images and thank you again to everyone who participated!
Of special note, after last night’s tournament ended seven of us walked over to Barebottle Brewing Co., a mere three blocks from the club, hoping to find Viktor Grigoriev and the Silicon Valley Chess gang already playing there, but they may not have begun hosting at that venue just yet. Viktor, is that still in the works? In any case, we played some bughouse (with John Vitlacil holding court, per the attached image) and blitz and analyzed a game or two until 10:30pm or so (that’s when I left, at least). It’s a great place for casual chess (people were playing Magic: The Gathering, as well) and I hope to do this again on any given Thursday.
I wanted to share a few quick updates with the club, given it’s been a while since I posted here. First and foremost, a hearty congratulations are due to WFM Olivia Smith, who played board one for Wales at the recently-concluded Chess Olympiad in Budapest, Hungary. Olivia finished with an excellent score of 6/9 and one can only imagine what an amazing experience this must have been for her and her entire team ( Well done, Olivia!
Second, attached are the results from our last three impromptu blitz tournaments at the club, all of which used the same G/4;d2 time control. Tomorrow, Thursday, we’ll continue with another excellent lecture from Frisco Del Rosario at 6:30pm then will hold Impromptu Blitz #26 round 7pm, as usual.
Third, I’m trying to decide upon our next tournament format, whether it should be rated or unrated, blitz or a longer time control, how many weeks it should run–all the usual questions rolling around in a TD’s head. If you have an opinion about the format for our next event please let me know and it may begin as soon as the second week of October.
Below are the final results with prizes for our August Double-Round Quick-Rated Quads and Swisses, which were again well received. Congratulations to all our winners and thank you once again to everyone who played in this event. Our next rated tournament, the 3rd club championship, will begin in mid-October and more information about that event will be shared here soon. Regards,
We saw some exciting chess Thursday evening (and more than a few swindles) during the third and fourth rounds of our August Double-Round Quick-Rated Quads and Swisses, per the images below. Most of the group results are fairly even thus far, as was the hope given the tighter ratings distributions in these smaller sections, with the possible exception of young Austin Chen, who is pwning his Swiss two-thirds of the way through. We’ll play rounds five and six next Thursday then will hold a make-up round August 29th, for the one or two matches still outstanding. I will submit the sections for rating no later than Friday, August 30th. Once again, thank you to everyone who joined us for this fun event!
We enjoyed another excellent lecture last Thursday courtesy of Frisco Del Rosario, one centered round a lesser-know rook sac theme which was most recently seen in high-level play about three weeks ago (between Caruana-Firouzja, see Frisco’s lectures are quickly becoming one of my favorite aspects of the club, never mind the way he treats me in our blitz tournaments, and I highly recommend that you visit the club to see and learn for yourself (the lectures begin at 6:30 each Thursday).
Speaking of blitz tournaments, we had 21 players in our most recent G/5;d2 affair and the six rounds we played weren’t enough for many in attendance, given the general clamor for a seventh round (alas, we had too little time for a seventh inning). Despite a first-round bye and a second-round draw/save, Pranav Jindal wound up on top after the sixth round was complete with 5.0 points, followed closely by masters Mike Arne and Frisco Del Rosario at 4.5. Hayden Brongersma, Cesar Tamondong and Kornel Csernai rounded out the top six with 4.0 points apiece. The full results are in the attached image and thank you to everyone who participated in this event.
Note that we have 14 entries for our August Double-Round Quick-Rated Quads beginning this Thursday and the tournament will be more interesting if we get at least 16-24 players, so please sign up asap here if you plan to play. Also of note for you blitz players: we’ll hold our first US Chess-rated blitz tournament (perhaps two of them over two weeks) in September and I’ll send more information about that event once the details are finalized.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the club and I hope to see many of you this Thursday. Regards,