Impromptu Blitz #31 Results

I’m finally getting round to posting the results from last week’s impromptu G/5;d5 blitz tournament, which saw a return to action for Adithya Karavadi, the club’s first champion. Welcome back, Adithya, and congratulations on your perfect 5/5 score in this event. Following Adithya by a single point in a 3-way tie for second were three club stalwarts who frequent the top of our wall charts: Yash Shah, Adam Ferrell and Cesar Tamondong. Well played, all of you, and thank you to everyone who joined us for this tournament (full results are in the attached image).

We’ll hold another casual evening tonight with a lecture beginning at 6:30pm followed by another free, unrated blitz tournament round 7pm. Note that we only have about 10 registrations for our rated quads beginning next week so unless that number picks up considerably we may postpone or cancel the event (the start date doesn’t work for some people, regrettably): Regards,

Mark Drury