August Quads/Swisses Round 3-4 Results

We saw some exciting chess Thursday evening (and more than a few swindles) during the third and fourth rounds of our August Double-Round Quick-Rated Quads and Swisses, per the images below. Most of the group results are fairly even thus far, as was the hope given the tighter ratings distributions in these smaller sections, with the possible exception of young Austin Chen, who is pwning his Swiss two-thirds of the way through. We’ll play rounds five and six next Thursday then will hold a make-up round August 29th, for the one or two matches still outstanding. I will submit the sections for rating no later than Friday, August 30th. Once again, thank you to everyone who joined us for this fun event!

Impromptu Blitz #22 Results

We enjoyed another excellent lecture last Thursday courtesy of Frisco Del Rosario, one centered round a lesser-know rook sac theme which was most recently seen in high-level play about three weeks ago (between Caruana-Firouzja, see Frisco’s lectures are quickly becoming one of my favorite aspects of the club, never mind the way he treats me in our blitz tournaments, and I highly recommend that you visit the club to see and learn for yourself (the lectures begin at 6:30 each Thursday).

Speaking of blitz tournaments, we had 21 players in our most recent G/5;d2 affair and the six rounds we played weren’t enough for many in attendance, given the general clamor for a seventh round (alas, we had too little time for a seventh inning). Despite a first-round bye and a second-round draw/save, Pranav Jindal wound up on top after the sixth round was complete with 5.0 points, followed closely by masters Mike Arne and Frisco Del Rosario at 4.5. Hayden Brongersma, Cesar Tamondong and Kornel Csernai rounded out the top six with 4.0 points apiece. The full results are in the attached image and thank you to everyone who participated in this event.

Note that we have 14 entries for our August Double-Round Quick-Rated Quads beginning this Thursday and the tournament will be more interesting if we get at least 16-24 players, so please sign up asap here if you plan to play. Also of note for you blitz players: we’ll hold our first US Chess-rated blitz tournament (perhaps two of them over two weeks) in September and I’ll send more information about that event once the details are finalized.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the club and I hope to see many of you this Thursday. Regards,

Mark Drury