MPCC Burgess Park Blitz #1

We enjoyed another record turnout at the club this evening, with perhaps 30 people in attendance and 20 opting to play in our informal blitz tournament, a 4-round G/5+2 affair with several expert- to master-strength players perched atop the wall chart. When all was said and done Olivia Smith claimed the top spot with a perfect 4.0/4.0 score, an excellent performance which included a final-round win over Pranav Jindal. Newcomer Paul Zhao took second with 3.5/4.0, clipping yours truly for a full point in the final round, while Shawnak Shivakumar (2130+ USCF), Pranav Jindal and Stanford grad student Andy Shih tied for third with 3.0/4.0.

Jim Eade of the Eade Foundation stopped by before the tournament and donated a number of excellent Hypermodern Press chess books to the club, five of which were then given as prizes to the winners. Thank you for your generous support, Jim!

Congratulations to all our winners and a hearty thank you and well played to everyone who participated this evening!