Casual, Blitz, Bughouse, Ladder Chess Evening

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:45pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games are in the offing and we’ll discuss details of the next tournament, tentatively scheduled for early August. Note that Mark Drury won't attend this week so new visitors


Casual, Blitz, Bughouse, Ladder Chess Evening

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:45pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games are in the offing and we’ll discuss details of the next tournament, tentatively scheduled for early August. Note that Mark Drury won't attend this week so new visitors


Casual, Blitz, Bughouse, Ladder Chess Evening

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:45pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games are in the offing and we’ll discuss details of the next tournament, tentatively scheduled for August 10th. We may also hold another impromptu blitz tournament this evening, interest


August Double-Round Quads, Round 1

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold USCF Quick-rated double-round quads over three consecutive weeks beginning Thursday, August 10th, using the G/15;d/10 time control and playing two games against each opponent during the same evening, one as white and one as black. No byes will be available for this event so if you are unable to play

August Double-Round Quads, Round 2

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold USCF Quick-rated double-round quads over three consecutive weeks beginning Thursday, August 10th, using the G/15;d/10 time control and playing two games against each opponent during the same evening, one as white and one as black. No byes will be available for this event so if you are unable to play

August Double-Round Quads, Round 3

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold USCF Quick-rated double-round quads over three consecutive weeks beginning Thursday, August 10th, using the G/15;d/10 time control and playing two games against each opponent during the same evening, one as white and one as black. No byes will be available for this event so if you are unable to play

Casual, Blitz, Bughouse, Ladder Chess Evening

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:45pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games are in the offing and we’ll also play any makeup games from our August Quick-Rated Quads this evening, if needed.

Casual, Blitz, Bughouse, Ladder Chess Evening

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:45pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games are in the offing and we may also play another impromptu blitz tournament (free, no prizes), given there appears to be an appetite for same.


Casual, Blitz, Bughouse, Ladder Chess Evening

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:45pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games are in the offing, as usual. Please note: I (Mark Drury) will not be at the club this week, September 14th, but the room will be open for


Casual, Blitz, Bughouse, Ladder Chess Evening

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:45pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games are in the offing and we may also play another impromptu blitz tournament (free, no prizes), given there appears to be an appetite for same.
