No Chess Meeting April 18th, 2024
There will be no chess meeting April 18th, 2024, due to the club director’s 25th wedding anniversary occurring on this date. We will resume normal operations the following week, of course.
Join Us for Thursday Evening Chess on the San Francisco Peninsula
There will be no chess meeting April 18th, 2024, due to the club director’s 25th wedding anniversary occurring on this date. We will resume normal operations the following week, of course.
The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold a US Chess dual-rated Swiss-system event over three weeks beginning Thursday, April 4th, and concluding April 25th (there will be no chess club meeting …
Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games are in the …
Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games are in the …
Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games are in the …
Our regular weekly club meeting occurs Thursday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm in the Oak Room of the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center. Casual, blitz, bughouse and ladder chess games as well as …
Background: This will be our second foray into A4c Chess and it's long overdue, given how well our first such event was received. One of the strongest blitz players in …
The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold US Chess quick-rated double-round quads and/or 6- or 8-person 3-round Swiss sections over three consecutive weeks beginning Thursday, June 6th, using the G/15;d5 time …
The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold US Chess quick-rated double-round quads and/or 6- or 8-person 3-round Swiss sections over three consecutive weeks beginning Thursday, June 6th, using the G/15;d5 time …
The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold US Chess quick-rated double-round quads and/or 6- or 8-person 3-round Swiss sections over three consecutive weeks beginning Thursday, June 6th, using the G/15;d5 time …