MPCC Spring Quads Round 1

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold our first rated quads over three weeks from April 27th - May 11th, 2022, with a make-up round to be held May 18th, if needed. The time control will be the same as that used for our earlier Swiss tournament, the dual Quick- and Regular-rated G/30 d/5, while

MPCC June Mini-Marathon, Round 1

Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA, United States

The Menlo Park Chess Club will hold another rated mini-marathon beginning Wednesday, June 1st, at 6:30pm, a four-round Swiss system event of G/45 d/5 over four weeks and one suitable
